Educating Tomorrow's Christians
Homeschooling in Indiana
Withdraw your student and notify current principal in writing of your
decision. You are not making a request. Keep copies of
correspondence. Send letters using certified mail requesting a receipt.
HSLDA now has forms available for withdrawing your student from public
school. Contact HSLDA for more information.
Request a copy of your student's public school records.
Upon request you are required to notify the Indiana Department of Education
of your grade level enrollment.    In eight to ten weeks you will
receive a home school number.
You are not required to follow curriculum or program requirements of public
schools. You can be flexible in choosing the curriculum, textbooks, and
materials that will most benefit your children.
You are required to provide 180 days of instruction
You must keep attendance records. Indiana Law
allows public school superintendents to request copies of your child's
attendance records for verification of attendance.
You are required to provide equivalent instruction to that given in
the public schools (IC 20-8.1-3-34), although equivalency of instruction is
not defined by law. It is important to keep documentation of attendance and
continuing educational activity. These records will be vital if ever a
question of educational neglect arises.
Indiana Law
I.C.20-8.1-3-11, I.C.20-8.1-3-23(c), I.C.20-8.1-3-34
If you have any questions, contact Indiana Department of Education:
by phone at 800-833-2199 ext 9135 or by
e-mail or on the